no one said building a studio would be easy.
and no one ever would if you told them you were trying to make it happen in a certified wildlife preserve… which is also your backyard. but, alas— here we are. strive for the challenge, i guess.
since the pandemic, nick and i have been white knuckling the drive - very literally sometimes on i95 - down the winding path that is the south florida arts economy, in search of something that had community support, potential for artistic growth, and provided a network of like-minded weirdos to bounce ideas off of. after three years of searching and hitting more than a few dead ends, ultimately, we realized we had to create it for ourselves.
so it began mid-january 2023, and we’re here in march looking at such a revamp it feels like a dream. still more pavers to lay down and tables to build for work to be made on, and maybe a few more plants on the ground — still trying to figure out where six(!) banana trees are going to live. thank you to my dear friend lauren for those, can’t wait to see what kind they are!
otherwise…welcome to the beginning of something very sweet, y’all. it’s been a slog but it’s almost there. we can’t wait to make stuff with you.