FAQ, class policies, etc
email, text, or call with any questions at all!
🌱 954-459-8006 🌱
when will my pottery be ready [?!]
beginner wheelthrowing students: it takes three to six weeks to move through the entire drying, glazing, and firing process.
we’ll be in touch asap! go ahead and shoot us a text if you want an update ;-)
if you want to paint your pots yourself… go ahead and click the button 👇
pottery comes with no guarantee that it will make it through the process, especially when you’re in the early stages of learning.
the products that emerge from your first class (i.e., your cute pottery) are just a perk🦎 we’ll do our best to mend if we can, but if your pots don’t survive drying and firing, please know we are sorry for your loss.
we welcome you back for a second class if you find the challenge of making pots as deeply satisfying for the spirit as we do.
FYI: we do not provide refunds for classes!
this is an ~experience, which means we’re preparing the space + enough materials to have a good time with you! more than anything, though— you’re paying local, professional artists to teach you and our other dear beginners how to make pottery.
you can pay now or later, but know that we will honor your scheduled time unless you (or the weather) tell us otherwise, because… if you’re here for class, then we’re here for you. it’s called the HONOR SYSTEM baby! so please don’t leave us hanging ❤️
if life happens and you need to reschedule…
there’s no cancellation or rescheduling fee (that would be rude of us) but give us at least a day’s warning so we can open up the slot for other people. be aware you do lose priority over your original time slot but we’ll do our best to accomodate.
in the event of weather-related or medical cancellations, just talk to us. there’s no need to bring a doctor’s note (i can’t believe i have to say that but pls it’s ok i believe you and i hope that heals you)
mind ur q’s
— frequently asked —
when is the studio open?
we’re open by appointment only most days of the week.
please, no surprises 🙏🏻 text or call us before dropping in — 954 459 8006.
how do i book a class?
you can book via calendar and see all our classes here
you can also text liza (954-459-8006) for scheduling, or book a wheel class here on the calendar. we’ll be in touch asap!
can I bring a friend? how many?
yes :-) there is room for five during wheelthrowing sessions and space at the handbuilding table for eight.
of course!!!!! this is a private gathering space, bring whatever makes ya happy.
how do i glaze my pots when they’re finished?
you can schedule with us separately or head on over to glazy sunday at the studio on first and third sundays.
can i buy pottery at the studio?
please do oh my god we are drowning over here
can i work with you guys at the studio 👉👈
yes, to avoid any weird feelings about maybe wanting the house to ourselves we offer day rates that include full access to studio, equipment and tables outside of classes and firing for work made while you’re here.
we’ve also got space in the kiln for home potters in the area who need to fire their work.